PHP is the most popular used server-side scripting language that has evolved ever since the first inline code clip was introduced in static HTML files.
Today, developers build complex web apps and websites, which require a structured method of development. PHP framework can be the best solution.
PHP Framework ā Why to Use?
There are several reasons cited by app developers to use PHP as the most preferred framework. Hereās what it can do:
Make development speedy
Provide reusable, maintainable and well-organized code
Allows you to grow over time as apps running on certain frameworks are scalable
Prevents low-level security threat
Follows Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern that ensures logic and presentation are separated
Promotes advanced web development practices like OOP (object oriented programming) tools
Noted below is a comprehensive list of PHP frameworks for 2016:
#1: Laravel
Laravel is one of the most brilliant and relatively advanced PHP frameworks, equipped with loads of interesting features and functions. It makes authentication simpler with all over well authentication feature. It comes with a database query builder that provides fluent and convenient interface to create and run database queries. HTTP middleware in Laravel provides a convenient mechanism to filter HTTP requests entering an application. It also comes with a massive ecosystem with instant hosting and deployment platform.
RESTful routing, light weight tempting engine, native PHP are interesting features
Inherent database version control
Built-in unit testing and readable impressive syntax
Required Skills ā Knowledge of PHP framework and OOP latest stable version 4.1
#2: Phalcon
Released in 2012, Phalcon framework has gained popularity very quickly. It is supposedly as fast as a falcon as it was scripted in C and C++ in order to reach the optimum performance level possible. However, you donāt have to learn C language to use Phalcon as its functionality is exposed in the form of PHP classes, ready to be used by any application. Because Phalconis delivered as C-extension, the architecture of this framework is optimized at low level that significantly reduces overhead typical of major MVC-based apps.
Offers easy learning curve
Easy to use ORM in Phalcon PHP
Direct injection facility to create software easily that tests end-to-end applications
Clean intuitive API having solid codes written on potent design patterns
Packed with universal auto-loader, security, asset management, caching, translation, and others
#3: Symfony
Symfony 2 framework comes with a lot of interesting components, which makes it a part of many important projects like Durpal content management system and phpBB forum software. It offers a much wider development community, which has drawn ardent fans. Symfony offers reusable PHP library components that can help you to complete different tasks like form creation, routing, object configuration, authentication, templating etc.
Offers reusable PHP components
Sustainable, flexible and stable framework, quickly adaptable to framework needs
Open source PHP framework for web applications development
Ease of installation and configuration across most platforms
Independent of database engine
Compliant with some of the best practices and designs
Easy to code
#4: CakePHP
A decade old PHO framework, CakePHP is popular for its timely functions. CakePHP 3.0 is the latest version with enhanced session management, increased ability to create standalone libraries, and improved modularity. Itās the best tool for creating high-level security for web apps. It powers some of the big brands websites like Express, Hyundai, and BMW.
Built-in security features like input validation, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) prevention, SQL injection prevention, CSRF (cross-site request forgery) protection and others
Supports MVC pattern for data handling with model class that allows you to enter, update, read and delete data
ORM features
Excellent class inheritance
Easy to extend with Helpers, Plug-ins, Components and Behaviors
While there are many other PHP frameworks like FuelPHP, Slim, Zend, and Yii 2, you have to analyze your choices with respect to the features offered by a particular framework. Based on that, you can analyze and choose any. You can also contact SystemSeeders for any type of help in popular PHP Frameworks.